06 April 2007

I Would Call Mine "The Mischief Tank"

There's something about golf carts that make you want to do crazy shit in them. Think about it. Sit down in a golf cart, and what's one of the first thoughts to cross your mind?

"I wanna see what this sumbitch can do!"

Same goes with potato cannons. Upon picking up a potato cannon, nobody reviews a mental checklist of fun, safe ways in which the cannon can be enjoyed while wearing OSHA-approved safety goggles and under the supervision of a responsible third party.

"Man, think of all the stuff I could break, destroy, or otherwise damage with this baby. Awesome."

A scenario with golf carts and potato cannons? Too awesome for words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Y'know, the school next to mine reports 13 auto-thefts in the past few years.

11 of those were golf-cart hijackings. X3