17 January 2007

E-Mail Confusion Leads to E-Mail Expressing Further Confusion, Film at Eleven

Been watching a borrowed copy of season two of 24 on DVD. I got to the infamous "cougar" sequence I'd been hearing about, but only just. Pretty soon I guess I'll see what the big deal is.

There was a string of inane e-mails at work today where several members of another site deluged our inboxes with reply-to-all e-mails regarding why they had received a specific, single e-mail that had nothing to do with them and had been sent in error to that site's distribution list.

Paraphrases of some of the e-mails' contents follow. Keep in mind that these were all reply-to-all, so just about everybody received each one.

"I don't understand why I got this e-mail."

"Me neither."

"Please remove my name from this distro list."


"Please remove my name as well, and that of [her subordinate]."

"What is this e-mail about?"

"I, for one, am glad I got this update."

"I think this e-mail was sent to me by mistake."

"Someone needs to double check the distro list on your end."

"You can disregard the e-mail, it was sent in error to [site], and please don't reply to all."

They of course disregarded that e-mail and remote members continued to send us messages for almost twenty more minutes before I suppose someone over there walked around the cubicle farm and handed out individual slaps upside the back 'a the head.

You know how something will be funny, but then the joke goes on for too long and it turns tragic, but then the joke continues for even longer so it instead becomes really funny? That's the extent of my feelings for what happened there.

Also, in an unrelated e-mail, someone apparently thinks the noun form of "adapt" is "adaption."

And I'm one of the few people there without a college degree.

1 comment:

M. L'Etoile said...

That's the funniest thing I've read all day. <3