06 January 2007

Paper Telephone

There's a game making the rounds that looks like a lot of fun: paper telephone. I'm gonna have to suggest it at the next party I attend.

The way it works is you start with a sentence written out at the top of a piece of paper. The next person has to draw a picture describing the sentence, then folds the paper so that the original sentence cannot be seen. After that person is finished drawing, they pass it to the next person, who describes the picture with a sentence, then folding over the picture so the next person cannot see it, and so on, between writer, artist, writer, artist. In other words, the only thing any one person has to go on is whatever the person immediately before them did. Keep that in mind as you look at some of them, and it'll be a lot funnier. The only thing that absolutely has to happen is that the game must end on a sentence, so that the original sentence and the ending sentence can be compared.

If you want some absolutely drop-dead hilarious paper telephone sessions, check out Biblical paper telephone, where you start with Bible passages and the writers are required to keep the Bible-type language going (thees, thous, begats, etc.)

"An Australian and his wife" had my sides in pain.


Anonymous said...

Ah, after going to Catholic school for seven years, you have NO idea how happy that makes me... *^^*

In case you don't check my blog much anymore (and who can blame you, seeing as two of my entries are on an ObGyn exam... >_>;; I'll be happy when you have to click Previous 20 to get to those...) Kamui has a cooling issue, so he's in for maintenence. And you know my sister--not the most benevolent. -_-

Todd said...

I check your blog every day, no lie! It's on my mental list of sites I check daily, along with the news sites and other blogs I follow.

Man, why Kamui gotta be getting all hot under the collar all the time? You have my sympathies, but yeesh, he's been giving you fits and starts since the FFXI days. Save up and get yourself a MacBook! Apple products are damn reliable; the G3 iBook I bought in 2002 is still working hard for a friend of mine.