11 March 2007

Toad and Seafood

Last weekend Matt, the other Matt, and I went to see Glen Phillips at the Rams Head Tavern (no apostrophe, thank you very much) in Annapolis. I only know a couple of his songs, as I was more of an STP man duting Toad's heyday, but I have to admit that the guy can sing very well. He knows his way around an acoustic too, which is always a plus for a singer.

He had an interesting story about how a vasectomy smells that has apparently been making the rounds at his tour spots. He went ahead and shared this story with us, as well as how the guy who prepped him for the procedure was apparently a Toad fan. I'm not sure how awkward it would be to talk about 90's alternative with a fellow who's shaving your freshly-anesthetized junk, but I'm guessing it's somewhere in the realm of very.

Speaking of fascinating stuff that shouldn't be, I watched two lobsters fight in the tank at the supermarket this afternoon for like ten minutes. It was amazing. All the other lobsters had given them a berth, content to pile up in the corners as it is a lobster's wont to do. They fought in the center, as the Gladiatores Violenti of old did in the Colloseum of Fair Rome. Actually, it was more sumo than swordplay, since both lobsters had their claws banded shut. They sort of pushed each other back and forth, but it was the fact that they were evenly matched that made it so enthralling. One would gain ground, then lose it, then gain it back, back and forth, until I realized I was holding a gallon of cold milk and my fingers were going numb. They were still at it as I walked away.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, it apparently smells like barbeque. Something to do with cauterizing shut your vas deferens.

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