18 March 2007

Schadenfreude Free With All Purchases

You know, time was I could rely on my being poor to keep me from buying stuff I don't need. Now I have to rely on my willpower, and that's not working out too well.

Speaking of going to electronics stores for things you could live without, while I was at Best Buy trying to leave with only one movie (successfully, as it turned out), I watched a doughy nerd with a stud in his nose strike out in the computer games section.

Him: You look familiar; did you go to Leonardt—
Her, very flatly: No.
Him, murmuring: Oh. Well, you kinda looked familiar.

He furtively looked around to check if anyone had seen, similar to what people do when they stumble while walking. We made eye contact through the racks, and he received that which he dreaded most.

Acknowledgement of the moment.

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